About the Band

"Hi!  Nika here!  While attending Hogwarts I was a Hufflepuff (which means I got to see Cedric more than the rest of the group).  It was my idea to start the fan club.  So when I saw Lauree drooling over Cedric one day I asked her if she wanted in.  She jumped at the chance we met in the Library (so we could watch Cedric study).  That's when we noticed Wendy doing the same thing.  So we asked her to join us too." - Nika Sutter

"While Nika would like you to think that this was all her idea - it was really mine.  Sure, she started the fan club, but I started the band.  It was always me humming as we stalked, sorry, PR wants me to use the term watched, Cedric.  The other girls always ended up with my tunes stuck in their heads." - Lauree Dahl

"It was Lauree's fault.  Her tunes were always stuck in my head.  When Cedric left and is was time to actually study the tunes were still stuck.  The only way I could focus on my work was to give the tunes lyrics first.  So I wrote the words to the songs.  During the times that we were not following Cedric, in class, or doing work we'd rehearse the songs.  As our obsession with ghosts grew.  The logical thing to do was form the Ghost Chasers.  We hope you enjoy our latest album Ghost Stories." - Wendy Bell

Nika Sutter
House: Hufflepuff
Part: Alto
Bio: Born of wizard father and muggle mother.  I came to Hogwarts hoping for great things.  The friendships I formed with my fellow band members are ones I will cherish forever.  Cedric will always be my first love, but I am single.  I like long walks on the beach...

Lauree Dahl
House: Gryffindor
Part: Soprano
Bio: My family has always been a bit on the eccentric side.  I come from a  long line of artists and singing is my passion.  My favorite color is pink.  I have a cat named Elle.

Wendy Bell
House: Ravenclaw
Part: 2nd Soprano
Bio: When not performing you can find me with  my nose stuck in a book.  My parents encouraged learning from the start.  Mom claims I was reading at the age of one.  My favorite book is Ghosts Thru the Ages.